This app provides a bookshelf for each student where they can store notes about the book they are reading. Notes are stored on interactive bookmarks, based on essential instructional elements identified in literacy, brain and learning research. Each booster bookmark has a variety of interactive options to tap into different ability levels and interests. Users can read or listen to directions, draw, type, drag or record responses, and much more. Children can choose from Characters, Connections, Story Seeds and other bookmarks, or use several simultaneously. They can also create their own bookmark template and share it with the class. Children can easily email their work to a parent or teacher for review and discussion.
I have also used it with a whole group while reading a book aloud. Simply project your iPad onto a screen and ask students to help you with creating bookmark notes.
All for just $3.99!
PS If you don't have a classroom iPad, find out if the student's family does - perhaps they will want to use it at home.