I have 20 briefcases, numbered on the outside and laminated, with locations written inside. We told the class that in our version of Deal or No Deal they would win a trip somewhere instead of money. One student was chosen to be our contestant. He approached the board while enthusiastic students hollered for their favorite number. He chose briefcase #6, which won the class an imaginary trip to Pizza Hut. Students were then told to turn to a peer and think of a way to use “synthesize” on a trip to a pizza parlor.
Answers included:
“If you want to be cool, you have to synthesize what you know about school cliques, gangs and today’s dramas to decide where to sit in Pizza Hut.”
“The manager has to synthesize his knowledge of customer preferences with the cost of various toppings.”
“I have to synthesize what I know about calories and healthy eating, along with how much I exercised today.”