1. Create frames by cutting a large window in an 8 ½ by 11” piece of cardstock. Laminate these.
2. Show students two paintings by different artists, and discuss how the artists’ lives impacted their perspectives. Compare this to an artist’s signature – the unique stamp that claims a work of art. I like to use these two artists depiction of the human body and share the following facts.
· Monet had poor eyesight and his impressionist style may have been, in part, a result of this.
· Rembrandt’s brother had an accident that mangled his hand.
3. Ask students this question: How might a writer’s life experiences influence his/her writing?
4. Provide students with a frame and a piece of writing. Ask them to find out as much as they can about the author and write their findings around the edges of the frame. Suggest that this is like the author’s signature or stamp on the work.

· How has your perspective on this writing changed with knowledge of the author?
· Do you see any examples of bias?
· How does author information affect a reader?
· How do your life experiences influence your writing?
· Do you write with bias?