“Coaching allows teachers to apply their learning more deeply, frequently and consistently.”
“Schools with coaching programs saw significant improvement in measures of teacher practices and student outcomes compared to schools without coaching programs.”
My own experience reinforces this truth. Teachers who attend my workshops walk away excited. Teachers who receive job-embedded coaching remain excited over the long term, transfer their learning to their teaching, and develop the skills to reflect and improve on their learning, even after my coaching has ended. Aguilar also cites research on school climate:
“effective embedded professional learning promotes positive cultural change.”
When leadership teams embrace and support coaching as a key strategy for improving teaching and learning, teachers will value professional collaboration.
Aguilar’s book has much more to offer – chapters on models of coaching, elements of effective coaching, steps in the process and tips for success. Check it out at http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118421027.html